Business Coach & Diversity Expert

“Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” - more and more people struggle to come up with an answer for this question. Fewer and fewer employees expect to stay in the same job until they retire. Everything is changing with increasing speed and decreasing predictability. There is even a term for this: VUCA - a world marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity.

At the same time, more people strive for happiness and fulfilment in their professional life. A meaningful job in a working environment that reflects your values and your personality is increasingly seen as more decisive in career choices than a higher salary.


Let’s find your personal fulfilment in your professional career - one of the prerequisites for a happy life.

I am not a coach for everyone - I have a soft spot for people like you, for whom it is not enough to do just any job but who want to make the world a better place. As corny as this may sound to some: you are serious about it.

Maybe you don’t know yet how that might look like for you personally; maybe you have so many ideas that you don’t know where to start.

I’ve got you.

I have been there, I know how it is to feel stuck and at the same time overwhelmed by the variety of your interests, and the need to see an impact in your work.

Coaching has helped me tremendously here - not only by the actual sessions. I learned to apply the knowledge I gained there in the long term - also to new situations. This is sustainable personal development and goal-oriented coaching can achieve exactly that.

How could a meaningful job could look like for me personally?

What am I really good at and what fills me with joy?

How can I put my wish for a fulfilling job into action?


Do these questions sound familiar?

You came to the right place.

Gain clarity. Set a focus. Find balance.


The topics that especially (but not exclusively) the so-called Generation Y or Millennials are dealing with more and more frequently are not really simple ones.

At the same time, there have never been that many possibilities regarding career choice, workplace and field of activity as today. Under these circumstances, is not easy to keep track of the abundance of options and to take one's own needs and preferences into account.

I am convinced that many of us still have untapped strengths and potential. My incentive is to help as many people as possible to recognise these and enable them to use them for a good cause in the best possible way.

Only in this way can we master the numerous challenges that we are currently facing as humanity in general and on a personal level, and together take a big step towards a better future.

one day or day one?


You decide.

Schedule a 30 minutes preliminary consultation now - it’s for free.

I look forward to hearing from you.