Business Coach & Diversity Expert



1:1 Coaching

We are happy when we can pursue what is important to us. Finding out what this means for you specifically is not that easy given the countless opportunities that are available in today’s work places.

This makes it all the more important to know yourself and your own needs and abilities well. And also to be able to stand up for them and to know when one wants to say yes, and when to say no - especially, if external pressure is rising.

Coaching starts at these points and is as individual as you are - every session is tailored to your topics and needs. I listen, provide food for thought, and offer reflections - always with the goal of bringing you closer to yourself.


Career & Calling

Personal growth and professional progress

Analysing your potential and your strengths, change of profession or the next step in your career - whatever you are currently facing: we will find out what really brings you fulfilment and joy.

Thoughts and vague ideas will become more clear when they are spoken out loud. I am your sounding board for first ideas, handle them carefully and creatively, and provide a platform on which they can grow and become more concrete.

In a safe space we develop ideas and goals together, sort options, think ahead and work on concrete steps for implementation.


Energy & Awareness

Grow your self-confidence and take your needs seriously

Whether in your everyday work-life or for a specific occasion: self-confident appearance allows you to show your full potential and take the space you deserve. This also includes setting boundaries and keeping the balance between internal and external expectations and demands.

Your time and energy are limited; therefore, it makes sense to use them wisely and at the same time maintain a healthy degree of flexibility.

During the coaching sessions, we find the happy medium between being underchallenged and overworked for a sustainable degree of satisfaction and personal growth.


Growth & Trust

Mastering challenges and overcoming obstacles

Often our goal is clear and the will is there, but something or someone is still holding us back from the next step. Not only other people, also we ourselves are perfectly capable of standing in the way of our own goals.

A certain degree of caution and doubts is definitely helpful. However, if negative and over-critical thoughts should keep you from achieving your goals and have a lasting negative influence on you, a new perspective in coaching can help.

We work out solutions and tactics for overcoming (self-)doubts and other obstacles, and prepare challenging conversations.


Online Coaching

Flexible and comfortable, from home or while traveling

Online Coaching can be a good fit for you if you

(1) have a very busy schedule; (2) travel a lot; (3) have medical impediments that might hinder you from seeking a face-to-face coaching; (4) are in a place where coming to my office is not an option for you due to other reasons (for example, because you are living outside of Hamburg).

Based on numerous experiences, I can assure you that also an online coaching allows excellent relationship-building and therefore, successful coaching.

You need access to fast internet and a webcam.


 Coaching Walk

Maybe you too have noticed the positive effect that movement has on your mind. Difficult conversations become easier when we go for a walk, we come up with new ideas and can free ourselves better from the “monkey mind”.

A coaching walk is similar to a coaching session in my office or online - with the difference that we walk at a relaxed pace in nature, starting from a central place in Hamburg. At the end of the coaching session, we arrive back at our starting point.


Business, science and philosophy all agree on this, by the way:

  • "Walking Meetings" as an alternative to the usual meetings have arrived in the corporate world. Big fans were and are for example Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg and Barack Obama.

  • A study conducted by Stanford University examined the effect of walking on creative thinking and the research team was able to prove that this form of movement led to on average twice as many innovative ideas compared to sitting.

  • The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche regularly recorded his ideas on his strolls, and it is from him that the sentence "All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking" originated.


Are you interested in more?

I look forward to hearing from you.